I'm back!
I'm sorry for the hiatus. It was a necessary one.

It was caused by crazy busy-ness...
to the point of absolute and abject exhaustion.
It was caused by the need to fill up what tiny amount of spare time I had in making a frock :-)
I then went away and wore said frock
(I'll put up a post on the makeup I used maybe later today or perhaps tomorrow)
I came back, I had to throw myself into work...
then throw myself into hospital
then gently (with a lot less throwing) extricate myself from said hospital.
and recovery, even more so.
Hopefully am back to about 80% Operating Efficiency and still climbing ;-)
I am going to try resuming normal operations with the blog from here on in.
I'm sure I've lost some readers along the way, I know my stats reflect that.
I'm sorry, but there's not a lot I can do about it.
Life has a messy habit of getting in the way :-)
But to those who have stuck with me, I thank you!
... another post will follow...
and follow...
and follow...*