
Contact Me

About Me

Freelance makeup artist and hair stylist, makeup tutor and blogger, working in Ireland.

The Blog

I started writing this blog in November 2011, after much procrastination about same!  My plan is to make it a site mainly detailed reviews about face, hair, nails and makeup products/tools/treatments that I have used and love (and some that I hate).


For now, I don't use affiliate links (I may do in time, given how long it takes me to research and write each post, and by virtue of the fact that I'm essentially advocating these products, but if I do, I'll advise this here).

Unless specifically mentioned on a particular post, I purchase everything that I trial and recommend (or slate) myself.  Please note that even if I have been approached by a Company's PR with either information or a free item, I will not endorse anything I don't like or don't think is good.  99.999% of all products you will see reviewed have been purchased myself.

Contact Me
