
22 May 2013

Random ramblings

Contemplating frozen strawberries blitzed in the blender with cheap vodka I found at the back of the press...

Finishing up with latest round of Makeup Brush Cleaning amid grumblings and moanings and general wishings that I had a Girl/Boy Friday to Do This Stuff for me...

Ruefully getting a shape on the apartment before the cleaner comes in tomorrow (I haven't met her, but she's almost my level of OCD cleanliness - I picture her tutting when she comes along on Wednesdays, wondering "what we've done with the place" since she last visited)...

Quietly admitting to cleaning up a bit before the cleaner arrives.  Silently admitting to having a slight problem about it.  Slightly admonishing myself for said problem.  Deciding it's who I am and the world (aka my OH) needs to deal with it...

Eyeballing the nicely ripe peaches in the fruit bowl (ok, the peach bowl... lookit, I did say I was OCD and with reason)...

And wondering what they'd be like mixed in with the strawberry cocktail...

That I haven't made yet...

With some peach schnapps added in for good measure...

While drinking peach and raspberry sparkly water and telling myself that it will do instead...

Trying to figure what to publish in terms of blog posts for the rest of the week, as a combination of no camera + skeleton posts for which I have no swatches or images do not happy bedfellows make...

Convincing myself to haul ass off the sofa so I can wash my hair.  It's too damn long.  It takes a good hour or so to wash and style it... much as I like it long, this chore drives me mental...

Wishing I lived with a hair stylist who would Do My Hair for me...

Setting my alarm for 6am tomorrow morning as I want to get up early to do some bits and pieces before work...

Forgetting what those bits and pieces are...

Planning my makeup and clothes for tomorrow...

Moaning that I have to make a quick trip up into the attic to get down something I meant to bring with me to decorate my cubicle in work last week...

Mentally planning the makeup class and bridal trials I have setup for the weekend...

Looking at the destruction that is the dining table (replete with washed brushes and sanitised makeup) and wondering where I'm going to put it all before aforementioned cleaner arrives, as they will in no way have dried by then...

Trying to figure what I'm willing to eat for dinner tomorrow evening.  My OH cooks on Wednesdays. He's a veggie.  Am eating veggie food for weeks on end now as I haven't had time to do two different meals in the evenings.  Realising that I'm well bored of lentils and chickpeas now...

Looking down at my fingers as I type and wondering how my nails are so damn bad.  All the typing I do notwithstanding, I know buckets of people with gorgeous nails who type every bit as much as I do...

Wondering if I have time to put some nail polish on them...

Realising I can't do this and wash my hair at the same time...

Fuckiiiiiiit!  Remembering I promised a friend I'd proof her latest novel... sorry P... I have been busy... I'll get around to it, I promise.

Mentally revisiting my failed visit to a new hair colourist at the weekend - I went there with a very clear description of what I wanted, down to pictures, and came out very light in pocket with a hair colour really not at all far off what I went in there with... Pissed Off Dot Com...

Re-living with fondness the twitter chat #irishbbloggers last night and some of the lovelies that I made contact with...

Reminding myself to actually listen to the Atoms for Peace album I purchased over the weekend...

Thinking about the designs for the cards I will make for various family members' upcoming birthdays...

Remembering that I need to pick a winner from the giveaway today - I'll do it tomorrow morning!!!   Oh yes, now remembering *this* is why I'm getting up fifteen minutes early tomorrow morning...

Wondering why the effing beeeeeeeep-ing hell my blog traffic and google page rank has completely and utterly nosedived in the last few weeks and what to do about it...

Aside from yelling at the one person I know who works in (a completely unrelated job in) Google...

Wishing I didn't have to get up at stupid o'clock to go to work...

Realising this is a dumb-ass post and anyone who's read to the end deserves to finish off my (proposed) cocktail while I go sort out my life for the evening...

Apologising for said post and promising myself and anyone who reads this nonsense that I'll do better tomorrow, I promise...

(Chanel Summer collection and Catrice Candy Shock collection posts to follow... at least I can use PR images for those)...

Finally hauling ass off the sofa to get going for the rest of the evening... it's been a long day... and I'm tired already.  Slán go fóill gach duine.  Hasta mañana.  Normal operations will resume...


  1. Haha luckily we're both vegetarian, try Quinoa or cous cous for a change:) Great post!

    1. I love quinoa and cous cous :-) Was a veggie for years so I don't mind eating "veggie" (it's just "food", I don't usually make a distinction, I don't eat meat every day or anything like it) - but I am missing meat atm ;-)

  2. Hahahhah Love this post, Ill join you for fruity cocktails sometime

    1. You're on. Although there's been a bit of an assualt on the old drinks' cabinet of late - god knows what I'll find lurking in the back of the press that is remotely drinkable :-)

  3. Thanks for the fruity cocktail suggestions! I am a new follower, please check out my blog if you get a chance, xxx

  4. Heya Amy, I already follow you and read your blog! You're Sarah's sister, aren't you? I've been following you since the start :-)


Thanks for reading!