
28 Mar 2013

Givaways! Prizes! Free Makeup!

Giveaway time!  Freebies galore!!  Prizes!!!  Competitions!!!!
If you're not in, you can't win!!!!!
And other annoying overly-effusive declarations, spoken in the most irritating accent imaginable, punctuated by multiple exclamation points!  Whohoo, yeah, baby!

So, I've been doing some reviewing (hey that kinda rhymes!) and even though it's been a quiet (on the blog front) few months, due in no small part to mania (on the home/work/fun front), I can confirm that my stats are looking good and I'm happy.  While I appreciate some of the figures below may be considered small fry to some, I'm happy with then and to say thank you to everyone who follows me and reads the stuff I write... and so I wanted to have some giveaways.  Not just one or two, but five, five freebie prize giveaways for absolutely nothing - just so say thanks!

The Big One - Blogger Stats

My unique pageview count is now at 241,608 on Blogger.  Or thereabouts :-).  I'd said when I get to 200,000 views I'll have a giveaway, but truth be told I've been manically busy;  however, when I reach the quarter-of-a-million I will most certainly celebrate with a giveaway.  In this case, as I'm obsessed with brushes, how about the following lovely travel brush set from BH Cosmetics, to which I've added an additional powder/bronzer brush...

BH Cosmetics travel brush case 
BH Cosmetics - powder/bronzer brush 
BH Cosmetics travel brush case - eye brushes
BH Cosmetics travel brush case
L -> R: blender brush, concealer/laydown, angled brow/liner,
point concealer/crease/bullet, fine liner, lip/corrector.
All of the brushes are soft synthetic fibre

Prize Number Two-witter :-)

Twitter is sitting pretty at 297-no-298-no-296-no-wait-297-again likes ;-)  Once I am at a steady 300 I'll celebrate with a giveaway there too.  In this case, as I love all things tattoo-y, and I'm much to scared to get a real one myself, I'm thinking these temporary skin tattoos (very Chanel-esque) - there are four of these, all different designs.

BH Cosmetics Temporary Body Tattoos - the next best thing to Chanel :-)

Giveaway Three - Overall Blog Posts

I have written 180 blog posts in almost one and a quarter years.  In another month (give or take) I'll be on my 200th post and I will mark the occasion with - you've guessed it - a giveaway!  Another "tiny thing"; this time a (rather large) palette of 88 (rather small) BH Cosmetics eyeshadows; this time the 88 Colour Palette in Neutral shades - I've done a review on BH cosmetics in the past and found their eye makeup shades to be really quite brilliant, especially considering the cost (very inexpensive) and the quality (very good).

BH Cosmetics 88-colour eyeshadow palette in neutral shades
BH Cosmetics 88-colour eyeshadow palette in neutral shades

Fabulous Freebie Four - Facebook

I'm currently on 926 likes.  Once I hit the magical 1,000 I'll celebrate with a giveaway.  Another BH palette for this one - this time I will sent on the Party Girl palette - this is a LE palette and I think it's no longer available to buy.  Another reflection of a quirk of my personality.  Along with tiny things, and brushes, I am a sucker for LE stuff :-)

BH Cosmetics Party Girl 40 colour eyeshadow palette (LE) 
BH Cosmetics Party Girl 40 colour eyeshadow palette (LE)

Giveaway Five - Most Fiewed* Post.
*viewed, gettit?  Ok, this was a stretch.

My most viewed blog post - on face charts - has 23,016 unique views and climbing every day.  This rate shows absolutely no sign of slowing up.  I will keep an eye on it and have a giveaway once that reaches 25,000 views :-)  I think in this case it'll be something smaller - so I have the cutest, teeny tiny travel brush set from Space NK set aside for this one.  This really is tiny, it is the perfect brush set for even your smallest handbag... it's also blurry, but hey, you get the idea :-)

Space NK Travel Brush Set
L -> R: Powder/bronzer, laydown, concealer, angled liner, lip/narrow push liner
First two are natural fibre, last three are synthetic 

That's all, folks...

I am new to BlogLovin' and GFC has been discontinued I believe, so I will look at giveaways for those blogs in 2014 perhaps, when I've built up some followers there.

Please look at the links on the right hand side of the blog for various ways to follow my blog, Twitter, Facebook feeds.  I'm also (as mentioned) on Bloglovin', Google Friends Connect and Pinterest, (although I don't find a huge amount of time to pin much).

Watch this space!  Share and like, retweet, get your friends involved... the more the merrier!

Terms & Conditions & The Small Print

1.  Giveaways will be held "as reasonably soon" as the above targets (as outlined) are reached.  By this I mean that I don't check stats fanatically, so I will check periodically and announce individual giveaways via Facebook and Twitter as they occur.

2.  Winners will be selected at random from the pool of my Facebook+Twitter subscribers - terms are (a) you have to be a subscriber (to either/both Facebook & Twitter) to be considered (b) you have to like & share this post (on Facebook) or RT (on twitter) to be considered.  I will contact winners and non-reply within 2 days will see me selecting another winner.  These rules are not intended to discriminate, but to only include those who are interesting in winning.

3.  I will undertake, at no cost to the winners, to ship their winning item to them.  This assumes that there are no post embargoes in place between Ireland (where I'm based) and the winner's location.  If there are, this is outside my control.  Prizes will be shipped via normal (unrecorded) mail.

4.  Please note that I have purchased all of the above items myself and have not received any compensation from either BH Cosmetics or Space NK for including prizes in these giveaways.

5.  At each target, I will retweet/re-promote this post in Facebook and Twitter and advertise which target has been reached and which prize I am giving away.  Winners will be selected from a combination of those who have Like&Shared / RT each time plus previous times.  Although this means multiple reposts, it will only happen a total of five times, so the spam count will be low :-)

6.  If for any reason I need to substitute the above items, I will do so at my discretion and advertise this in advance, however I do intend to hold five giveaways with prizes at least comparable to the above items.

7.  There is no number seven.  Did anyone read this far?  I am finally at the end of this blog post and I'm off to have a G&T...


  1. Can't wait for these giveaways, congrats on your stats you're doing great!

    1. Thanks so much! I love your blog btw... it's so simple and clean and well laid out and elegant... love it!

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Thanks for reading!